Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pictures of Poats and Pouces

Here are some pictures of what the artist thinks poats and pouces look like. Keep in mind that the real creatures may or may not appear similar to these renditions.

Ack, nooo, that's not a poat, that's a queer gorilla thing that climbed on my page without my consent! Get out of here! *chases it away*

Er, sorry about that, my dear readers.

Here are some pictures!


Lanta said...

An interesting rendering of poats and pouces, my dear. Though perhaps not quite what you would call lifelike in every way ;)

Katrina said...

Oh, they look very terrifying.
Be afraid,
Be VERY afraid...

Lanta said...

*nods approvingly*
I am quite pleased with your very correct additude, Trina.

Rose Marchen said...

I is very afraid. VERY afraid!
I had *gasp of horror* a prickly poat *whispers* UNDER MY BED. But thankfully for me *sighs with relief* a pouce came along and saved me just in time!

Ranya said...

I know, thawa, I'm not the best at drawing. =P

Aunt Rose, you must do anything in your power to keep the pouce around, as prickly poats have been known to be quite vengeful. Money, food, anything.

Lanta said...

*shudders* Oh, yes, Auntie Rose, by all means, keep the pouce around! Despite their dislike of being bodyguards for long periods of time, they WILL stay with you for a while if they think there is a chance that other poats will come for you.

Rose Marchen said...

Girls, I tagged you for a meme on my blog! I expect you both to do it... or else I shall send a troat after you. (No, troat was not a misspell)

Grace K. said...

Oooh, how fearsome they look! Lol..

I left another comment on your post about the poem of the poats and pounces...I think.

*sniffs* What?! I didn't get tagged?

Ranya said...

OK, on the double, auntie! :o

You did too, Grace.

Lanta said...

Oh, Trina, I tried to check out your blog and it said I hadn't been invited! Waaaah!

Anyway, since I can;t get on your blog to tell you, I'm tagging you for a meme :)

Anonymous said...

that is frightening. how big are they, exactly?